Product Categories

The sections below provide a brief pointer to the manufacturers and their commercial and industrial products that we offer at Mountain Controls.


A-T Controls - electric actuators

RCS - electric rotary and spring return actuators

Powers - industrial mixing actuators

SVF Flow Controls - electric actuators and pneumatic actuators


Marsh Instruments - gauges (economy/value, general service, severe service, low pressure, precision service quality, and process), thermometers, tridicators, digital pressure indicators

Marshalltown-Tempco - thermometers (weather-proof, remote or direct mount, vibation tolerant, linear scale, dial, vapor actuated, severe service vapor)

Chemiquip launch - gauge snubbers, check valves, pressure limiting valves

Portable Ventilation

COPPUS Portable Ventilation - air movers, air horns with Venturi action, centrifugal ventilators, fixed-guide vane ventilators, high-pressure centrifugal blower/exhausters, marine Venturi compressed-air ventilators, reaction fans, steam/compressed-air turbine-drive ventilators, turbine-driven blower/exhausters, tube axial blowers, vane axial blowers, water-turbine drive ventilators

Pressure Regulators, Filters and Lubricators

Bellofram - precision air regulators, pneumatic (air) relays, electronic pressure transducers, servo pressure controllers, diaphragm air cylinders

ITT Conoflow - manual loading regulators, differential pressure regulators, filter regulators, vacuum regulators, positioners, transducers

Pressure Gauges, Thermometers, Tridicators

Marsh Instruments - gauges (economy/value, general service, severe service, low pressure, precision service quality, and process), thermometers, tridicators, digital pressure indicators

Marshalltown-Tempco - thermometers (weather-proof, remote or direct mount, vibation tolerant, linear scale, dial, vapor actuated, severe service vapor)

Chemiquip launch - gauge snubbers, check valves, pressure limiting valves

Process Controllers

Moore Industries - process monitor and indicators, process controller backup stations, auto/manual backup stations, single-loop PID process controllers, dual-loop PID process controllers, chlorination/dechlorination process controllers

Powers - rigid and remote bulb controllers, self-operating temperature regulators

Valve Automation

A-T Controls - electric actuators

GC Valves - zero pressure differential valves, pilot-operated valves, piloted-diaphragm valves, direct-acting valves, piloted-piston valves, lever-acting universal valves

Powers - industrial mixing valves

RCS electric rotary actuators and spring return actuators

SVF Flow Controls - automated valves, electric actuators


GC Valves - zero pressure differential valves, pilot-operated valves, piloted-diaphragm valves, direct-acting valves, piloted-piston valves, lever-acting universal valves

Powers - industrial mixing valves

SVF Flow Controls - industrial ball valves, utility ball valves, sanitary ball valves, special service ball valves, v-seat control valves, valve positioners